Lesson 10 Making Telephone Calls打电话

Date:2010-05-18 10:03
核心句型Sentence Patterns
Hello, is that 335-6781?
Hello, may I speak to Professor Li?
Just a minute.
Hello, this is … speaking.
May I ask who’s calling, please?
John Smith’s office. May I help you?
Can I take a message?
Would you like to leave a message?
Mini-dialog I 小对话1
A: May I speak to Mr. Zhang, please?
B: This is him. Who is calling?
Mini-dialog II 小对话2
A: Who’s this calling, please?
B: Hello, this is Jack speaking.
A: Whom are you calling?
B: May I speak to Mr. Smith?
A: Sorry, he is tied up right now.
B: I’ll just call back.
Mini-dialog III 小对话3
A: Police office.
B: Is Mr. Sun in?
A: Speaking.
B: Oh, hello, Mr. Sun. This is Peter speaking. How are you?
A: Just fine. Thanks. What can I do for you?
B: Well, I was wondering if I could drop in for a few minutes today.
A: We’re a little busy today. Can you come right away?
B: I think I can make it in ten minutes or so.
A: Fine. I’ll be expecting you.
Words & Expressions基本词汇:
telephone call 电话
professor [prə'fesə]教授
Just a minute 等一下
speak 讲话
message 口信
be tied up 忙碌
police office 警察局
wonder ['wʌndə]想知道
drop in 顺便拜访
right away立刻,马上
Supplementary Reading阅读材料
Specialties of Shaoxing
There are plenty of flavors and specialties in Shaoxing. Aniseed Flavored Beans is a year-round favorite in almost all the taverns in Shaoxing. The beans look greenish yellow, the skin is wrinkled, and the aromatic flesh tastes tenacious and sweet and is pleasant with chewing. Thanks to the description in Lun Xun’s novels, its value multiplies and it becomes one of the popular products with tourists.
 Dried vegetable, or preserved vegetable, is also called Black Dried vegetable due to its color. It can stimulate the appetite, very tasty. A typical Shaoxing dish is to stew pork with Dried vegetable. The dish is seemingly fat but not greasy, the vegetable moistened by fat and the pork flavored with the vegetable. The longer it is stewed, the more tender and delicious it is.
Fermented Bean Curd, popularly known as “moldy bean curd”, is also nicknamed “vegetarian cheese”. There are three categories: red, white and gray. Square shaped with four angles clear-cut, it’s tender and tasty, neither too salty nor too light, and is an inexpensive delicacy at table.
Baked Rice Cake crowned as the “cake for Peking”, was one of the eight articles of tribute in the Qing Dynasty. The cake made its debut 170 years ago. It was initiated by a cake master named Meng Xianzheng who worked at a New Year cake shop making various rice cakes.
flavor ['fleɪvə(r)] 味道;调味
specialty ['spe∫əlti] 特产
aniseed ['ænisi:d]Flavored Beans 茴香豆
favorite ['feɪvərɪt] 钟爱的;最喜爱之物
tavern ['tævə(:)n] 小酒馆
wrinkle ['riŋkl] 皱纹;使…起皱
aromatic [͵ærəu'mætik] 芳香的
flesh [fle∫] 肉;果肉
tenacious [ti'nei∫əs] 粘的
due to 由于
description [dis'krip∫ən] 描写
multiply ['mʌltiplai] 增加
tourist ['tuərist] 游客
preserved[pri'zə:v] vegetable ['vedӡitəbl]霉干菜
stimulate ['stimjuleit] 刺激
appetite ['æpitait] 胃口
typical ['tipikəl] 典型的
stew [stju:] 炖
greasy ['ɡri:si,'ɡri:zi] 油腻的
moisten ['mɔisn] 弄湿
fermented ['fə:məntid] Bean Curd 腐乳
moldy ['məʊldɪ] 发霉的
nickname ['nikneim] 绰号;起绰号
vegetarian [͵vedӡi'tεəriən] 素的
category ['kætiɡəri] 种类
delicacy ['delikəsi] 美味
Baked [beikt]Rice Cake 香糕
make its debut ['debju;'deibju:] 初次露面
initiate [i'ni∫ieit] 创始
Source:Shaoxing University