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Zhejiang to Fulfill Eight Tasks to Prevent Water Pollution This Year

Recently the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection and the Provincial Office of Water Control have jointly issued the Measures for Solving and Preventing Water Pollution in Zhejiang 2018, which stipulates that, in 2018, the province is to fulfill the tasks set by the state to improve the water quality and reduce the total volume of water pollutant emission, to improve the water quality at the province-controlled surface water cross section and reduce the V-class water cross sections by six, to bring the quality of the source of centralized drinking water in municipal-level cities up to the standards, and to keep stable the water quality of the underground water and offshore ocean area.
Focusing on this goal, the province is to fulfill 8 major tasks this year: to protect the water ecological environment, tostrengthen the prevention of industrial pollution, to strengthen thesolution of urban pollution, to promote the prevention of rural and agricultural pollution, to strengthen the control of ship and port pollution, to conserve water resources, to strengthen enforcement of law and supervision, and to further carry out the “water-chief responsibility system”.

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